Prepared to be sweat that is.
300 Workout
Reset Pushups x 50
Single Leg Jumps x 25e
Barbel Body Weight Deadlift x 50
Kettle-bell Swings x 50
Burpees x 50
Single Leg Step Up x 25e
*The workout should be down as fast as possible
*Every exercise can be broken down into smaller sets
* e= each leg
Reset Pushups: After coming down toward the ground lye flat on your stomach lift hands and legs up then begin next pushup
Single Leg Jumps: Find a box or ledge mid calf height. Jump using one leg onto the box then step down
Barbel Body Weight Deadlift: Using a barbel put your body weight onto the bar
Kettle-bell Swings: Hold kettle-bell with both hands, swing the kettle-bell through your legs then thrust hips forward bringing the kettle-bell to shoulder hit. Arms should remain straight the whole time, legs shoulder width apart
Burpes: From a standing position bring hands to the ground, jumps legs back (you will now be in a plank position), jump legs back to hands and stand up.
Single Leg Step Up: Using a bench or box, stand next to the bench, put leg on bench, step up, then step back down onto the ground. The opposite leg should not come onto the bench.